I PUC Sociology | “Chapter: 2 Basic Sociological Concepts” Model Questions

Model Questions “Basic Sociological Concepts”

I. ONE MARK QUESTIONS. (Answer the following questions in a word or sentences)

1) Give an example for the concept.

2) Who said “Man is social animal”?

3) State the origin of the word ‘Society’.

4) What does the web of social relations symbolises?

5) Give one example for institution.

6) Give an example for primary institution.

7) Give an example for secondary institution.

8) Give an example for evolved institution.

9) Who classified the social groups into “in-group” and “out-group”?

10) Who introduced the concept primary groups?

11) Who classified groups into “Gemeinschaft” and “Gesellschaft”?

12) Who classified groups into voluntary and involuntary groups?

13) Who said “society was there before we were born and it will be there after

we are dead”?

14) Who classified groups into horizontal and vertical groups?

15) Give an example of vertical group.

16) Who classified groups into territorial and non-territorial groups?

17) Give an example for organized group.

18) Give an example for unorganized group.

19) Who introduced the concept social control?

20) Who wrote the book social control?

21) Give an example for formal control.

22) Give an example for informal control.

23) Who introduced the concept folkways?

24) Give one example for folkways.

25) Mention any one feature of ‘Developing Nation’.

26) Mention any one feature of agrarian society.

27) Who said “Society is more than our environment. It is within us as well as

around us”?

28) State the main occupation of rural community?

29) Who defined “Sociology is the science of social institutions”?

30) Who said, “Society is the group of groups”?

31) Mention a feature of Traditional society. u

32) Give an example for a developing society.

33) Mention a name of New lndustralized Nation. K

II. TWO MARKS QUESTIONS. (Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences)

34) How is the term ‘Society’ derived? K

35) What is co-operation?

36) What is locality?

37) What is association?

38) What is institution?

39) What is social groups?

40) Give an example for a community.

41) Give an example for an association.

42) Define ‘First World Society’

43) What is ‘Second World Society’?

44) What is Folkways?

45) What is ‘Mores’?

46) How is the term ‘Mores’ derived?

47) What is ‘Law’?

48) What is Basic concept?

49) Define Society.

50) What is division of labour?

51) What do you mean by the law of likeliness?

52) What is the law of principles of differences?

53) Why the society is called dynamic?

54) Write any two characteristics of the society?

55) Write any two types of the society.

56) Define community.

57) What are the two elements of community?

58) What is a community sentiment?

59) What is tribal community?

60) Give two example for a tribal community?

61) What is rural community?

62) What is an urban community?

63) Define association .

64) Mention any two characteristics of association.

65) Define institution.

66) Mention any two characteristics of institution.

67) What is primary group?

68) What is secondary group?

69) Mention any two characteristics of social groups.

70) Define social groups.

71) What is in-group?

72) What is out-group?

73) What is voluntary group?

74) What is organized group?

75) What is unorganized group?

76) What is genetic group?

77) Define social control.

78) Mention two types of social control.

79) What is an informal social control?

80) What is formal social control?

81) State any two characteristics of food gathering hunting society.

82) State any two characteristics of Agricultural society.

83) Mention any two Traditional societies.

84) Mention the characteristics of modern society.

85) State the characteristics of New Industrial Societies.

86) Mention any two characteristics of primary groups.

87) Mention any two characteristics of secondary groups.

88) Mention any two characteristics of organized groups.

89) Mention any two characteristics of unorganized groups.

90) Mention any two characteristics of folkways.

91) Mention any two characteristics of mores.

92) Mention any two characteristics of laws.

Ill. FIVE MARKS QUESTIONS. (Answer the following questions in 10-15 sentences)

93) Explain any five characteristics of society.

94) Explain the elements of community.

95) Explain the characteristics of community.

96) Explain any five characteristics of association.

97) Explain any five characteristics of institution.

98) Explain any five characteristics of social groups.

99) Explain the modern societies.

100) Explain any five characteristics of primary groups.

101) Explain any five characteristics of secondary groups.

102) Explain the characteristics of folkways.

103) Explain the characteristics of mores.

104) Explain the characteristics of law.

IV. TEN MARKS QUESTIONS. (Answer the following questions in 30-40 sentence).

105) What is society? Explain the characteristics of society.

106) Define community. Describe the elements of community.

107) Define association. Explain the characteristics of an Association.

108) What is institution? Explain the characteristics of an Institution.

109) What is a social group? Explain the characteristics of social groups.

110) What is social control? Explain the features of social control.

111) What is primary group? Explain the characteristics of primary groups.

112) What is secondary group? Explain the characteristics of secondary groups.

113) What is folkways? Explain the characteristics of folkways.

114) What is mores? Explain the characteristics of Mores.

115) What is law? Explain the characteristics of Law.

116) Explain briefly the types of pre-modern society.

117) Explain briefly types of modern society.

118. Match the following.

List-I List-II
A. Soligas (i) E.A. Ross
B. Social control (ii) School
C. Secondary group (iii) Tribal Community
D. Folk ways (iv) Primary group
E. CH Cooley (v) William Graham Sumner.

119. Fill in the Blanks:

1. Urban community depends on occupations.

2. Laws are found only in Societies.

3. Conformity, solidarity and continuity are the three purposes of ___ _

4. The Nature of membership in secondary group is ____ _


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